Tuesday 28 December 2010

My Grandfather's influence on me..

Dear Alex
While praying the Rosary today I had this awesome thought.
I think I may have said something of this before.
My Grandfather and your Great Grandfather was Clement Samuel Horn.
Nell's father.
I remember him as a very sweet, funny and Godly man.
As he lay in his bed in our home, Jeffries House, Jeffries Lane. Goring by sea, Sussex, maybe you might get a chance to visit it, it is a national monument and close to where you might all be for Christmas, writing his memoirs, and I would sure love to get a hold of them, I would often find him underlying in a red ink pen his leather bound King James Bible, which out of all his grandchildren, 9 in all, he left to me..
Sadly I did not treasure it and I have no idea where it is now. Maybe Nick has it????
I was upstairs in bed with the flu when he died and as the undertakers carted him off they asked my mum rather ghoulishly if they might soon be required again for me. Ha!
Anyway I was thinking about him and I realised what a work of complete grace that God would influence him to influence us as a continued work of Grace in our family. I am sure he is praying for us just as we are praying for him.. I sometimes remember to pray for my ancestors...Anyway all that to say that we have three adult Roman Catholics in our family, not counting the children and it gives me such a sense of security to realise that Our Holy Mother has got them and all of us continually in her sites.
As far as I know nothing serious like a death or accident has happened to any of them... Correct me if I am wrong... as you will know better than me..
The Rosary Prayer is such an awesome prayer and has great power!!!
A very Happy New Year

About me and my desire to promote The Catholicism project


Please allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Michael Jaffray King and I am a British convert to the Catholic Faith, about 8 years ago, living in the Cologne area of Germany.
I am a Lay Missionary in the Parish of Gummersbach.. My Parish Priest is Monsignor Paul Klauke who is sadly recuperating from a serious brain tumour operation.. We pray that he will make a complete recovery.
I have been a close follower of EWTN the Catholic worldwide channel started by Mother Angelica some 28 years ago and this channel together with Father Bob and CS Lewis and Peter Kreeft and John Montignoni and Friar Joseph of noapologies, have all been and still are being very helpful to me in my formation of being a Roman Catholic Missionary and Apologist on the Internet where I am quite active.
I am very privileged to be the Ambassador for Germany, so you may well ask why am I writing to you for help in promoting this world changing project... The Catholicism Progect..of Father Robert Barron of   www.wordonfire.org
Hopefully you already know about this project and if this is the case then I will be very happy... But if not please read and study carefully the Trailer and Preview of this soon to be completed project.
As this project has not yet been translated into German, I thought it a wise move to approach you to ask for your help!!!!
Please would you very kindly allow me to know how much and how effectively you already are promoting this project????
Please remember that, as I am sure you already realise, Our Faith needs good Media Promotion in the wake of all the Problems we have been facing in the scandals etc.
God bless you and Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to your soon reply.
My Postal address is
Michael Jaffray King
Talblick 14
Wiehl Bielstein
Telephone 004922623058840

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Closing ones eyes can help us to see in the Spirit

Open and closed Eyes!!!!

I am a very visual kind of person.
We all are!!!... Let's face it!!!
We see a beautiful View...
Could be a Movie..
Could be a Cathedral interior..
Could be a Starry Sky or an Alpine Mountain Scene..
And it moves us.
We feel better..
But many times too, if the object of our attention is not to our liking, then instead of becoming negative and judgemental, JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES..and see Jesus in that situation.. He is there and by closing ones eyes we see Him!!

I have a very great friend and on Christmas day he gave me a very good tip...
He has very bad eyesight and his condition is incurable. In his own words he says, “I see like through a tightly netted veil!”

I have been having problems in Church...
Do you have problems in Church too?
I look at one Priest or Preacher or members of the congregation,and I like what I see or some times I do not like what I see.

By closing my eyes I am learning to see Jesus and not just the person or event.
During Holy Mass, this is a very visual affair..
However many times like my half or three quarter blind friend told me..One can see so much better with closed eyes.. Blot out the personalities and instead see Jesus.
See Jesus in them..
He is in them even when they are behaving not to our liking..
For me this is a very good tip and I am very grateful for the lesson.
Happy New Year!!!
This can be useful many times during the hustle and bustle of life.

Love is the force that changes the world


Love is the force that changes the world..
B16 having lunch with Rome's poor people..
He is just simply, in the words my daughters would use... "Gorgeous!!!!"
A reflection from me...little old me...mjk...

In a hundred years time you and I will largely be forgotten..
The house we lived in will be torn down and another more modern edifice will replace it..
The Christian work that we did or didn't do will also be gone..
The modern building where we had our Christian gatherings will also be absent.
Why should I care???
I will not be there...
Who cares????
I do! Yes I do!!!
I want to belong to something more permanent than an idea or an interpretation..
I want to belong to something really lasting...
I want to belong to something that does not really depend on my input or lack of it..
I want to belong to a ROCK that will batter down the Gates of Hell.
I want to belong to the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.
And so?????
The answer is I do and I have been desperately trying to show you all how simply beautiful and true and awesome and commonsensical it all is..
I am not alone...
Check out the following...
The Saints of OLD going right back to the 1st and 2nd centuries after Jesus' life here on earth.
More modern...

Peter Kreeft...
John Martignoni..
Noapologies and Friar Joseph..

OK so you want the answer...
Because I want to shake you up out of the little morsel that you have right now and offer you a whole loaf of Heavenly Bread. And more important …. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a BEGGAR and I have found the everlasting bread, not just a replica or a man baked loaf that will inevitably go stale and disappear.
I have been eating this bread in one form or another for over 40 years but now I have found in the last 8 years, The Heavenly Permanent variety.. Matthew Ch 16 v 18... I will build my Church...
This is bread baked by Jesus Christ Himself..
It is a 2000 year old loaf and in spite of abuse from within and without, it never goes stale but remains fresh and hot oven baked for eating 24/7...for ever until the end of the age..
To investigate this ever fresh bread just go the links on the Internet.
We can now, because of this amazing vehicle of learning, be PHDs on about any subject we want to choose.
No more traipsing off to the Public Library and laboriously ploughing your way through books that might or might not be there.
All the information required is just a finger tip away.
Once again a Happy New Year!!!
Only one real requirement????
You need to be a seeker...a knocker... and an asker...see Matthew Ch 7 v 7.
Never be satisfied with the little you have found... there is so much more for you and for me if we keep an open mind..
I have still a long way to go... I have not yet arrived...I can go so much deeper and deeper and that is in itself so very very exciting.. I am challenged and excited...ARE YOU TOO? Send me an honest answer..
I am waiting...
mjk... Peace!!!

Life has so many surprises

Life has so many surprises!!!!

You and I never ever asked to be born.
Nobody came up to us and asked if we would like to have our turn in spinning the roulette wheel of Chances.
100 years ago we were not here and in a 100 years time we will not be here either..
It really makes little sense.
Or does it???
Today is Christmas eve...
In a few hours from now we celebrate the birth of a Jewish Baby.
This seemingly insignificant birth changed the world... Yes it changed the whole world.. Every life that has ever lived in time... Billions...
One baby born to a sweet Jewish Virgin and a Foster Father changed everything.
Without this event from 2000 years ago we would be wallowing in pointlessness.
We would be lost in space..
Maybe you have prayed this simple prayer before???
Pray it again and again and bring more meaning to your life.
Only takes three minutes and forty seven seconds


If you do not feel better then get in touch...
I love you so so so so so so much!!!!
Jesus loves you a trillion times more..

Recently I sent you a prayer Titled Help!!!
Maybe you thought that it was Michael King bothering me asking me for a donation and so you immediately deleted it..
It wasn't!!!! It was to help Word on Fire to promote their project... The Catholicism Project!!!

Of course being a Faith Missionary any donation would be extremely welcome..

My eldest daughter just phoned me from her railway train where she is going on holiday with her students, to exhort me to go to Holy Mass!!!
That's really good news!!!!!

Recently we met a Lady from our Church (One of those Pillars!)on the walking streets.
We offered her a Rosary for a small donation..
She replied that she had many and did not need any more..
So my wife said to her, as we say to many..
“Well maybe you would like to give us a small donation,even 20 cents will be a help!! for Christmas???”
“Oh no!” She replied...
“I do not give to Beggars!!”
Irmgard was shattered and then the Lord allowed another young man to come up to us and ask for prayer for his daughter who has Leukaemia. This kind of request happens to us all the time as we pray a variation of the above Jesus prayer to 100s every month.

It was tempting to be upset at this Lady until we gave her to Jesus.. We realised that she had not been so blessed and needed our prayers..
We have nothing...NOTHING.. that we did not receive..
Luk 17:10 So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.
On This memorable Christmas Eve A very very happy and meaningful Christmas..
“Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday Dear JESUS
We really love YOU!”

And we really love you too...
Michael and Irmgard!!!

Truth or demonic lie?

Truth or Demonic Lie???????!!!

Just as Jesus Christ whose Birthday it is today....
Is either The Way, the Truth and the Life or else He is a megalomaniac of Satanic Proportions???
so is …...
The Roman Catholic Church!!
We cannot be dismissed as Good guys with good morals and good standing and spiritual power in this world...
We are not just another denomination....
We are either real Christians, or rather totally misguided and a part of that huge structure of what today is called Catholicism??????...
We are either the Splendour of Truth or we are nothing at all, and should be discarded and banned from this world???????..
We worship Consecrated Bread and Wine believing that it is Jesus Christ Himself physically in our presence...
We confess our sins not directly to God but through a Priest..
We claim to be the original Christian Church.. see Matthew Ch 16 v 18...
We claim to be the Body of Christ on earth today...
We are not a Democracy!!! But a Theocratic Dictatorship in which the Apostles Doctrines are not up for grabs and for personal interpretation.
We claim not to have the AUTHORITY to ordain women Priests, and allow divorce, and birth control, and Euthanasia, and Abortion, and Homosexual marriages, as this was never allowed by Jesus Christ and the Apostles.
We claim that all the other 38,000? or 3800? or 380? denominations to be missing out on some really important features like those mentioned above.
We claim that the Bible is Our Book handed down by an infallible Church and we believe that our Interpretation of it is the right and only correct one.
We are either the Enemy as the World so treats us or we are ITTTTTTTTT????????!!!!!!!!
I want to wish you a wonderful and realistic Happy Birthday Jesus Party!!!!!
There is seemingly though, one very good reason not to be a Catholic, and that is.... wait for it....
We are not a Museum of Saints but rather a Hospital for sinners.
This argument however shows that although we have some Pedophile Priests..about 0.2%
And very self righteous members, maybe 98% including meeeeeeeee!
We just keep rolling along and gathering more and more to our numbers....
That shows that either God or Satan is doing a very good job in keeping this antique vehicle on the road???????..
The choice is up to you!!!
There is no compromise center position!!!!!
Just as there is no compromise center position over Jesus Christ.
He is either God or NOTHING?????? and even worse a Gross Demonic deception!!!
Happy Christmas and a very Happy New Year, as you ponder these dramatic possibilities!!!!!
Michael and family

Monday 15 November 2010

Short Sayings.... The Eucharist!!!

Short Sayings!!
The Eucharist!!

Well!! I am embarking on a new course..
I have written pages and pages and send them out on the internet to all of you.
Of course I realise that many of you do not have the time nor inclination to read what I have to say.
So why do I do it?
Because for two reasons.
One is that I do not want to enter Heaven alone, just because I refused to share all the amazing Truths that I am finding out...
And second, that by sharing it makes it more real for me.
When one teaches something by passing it on, that something becomes more deeply rooted in ones mind.
So here is my first TRUTH that I want to share.
Yes you are right it is on my favourite subject... Prots and Cats...
We actually have a very great deal in common.
We both love Jesus and are trying to follow Him.
We both respect the Holy Scriptures.
So where is the difference?
We Catholics go into ecstasies over worshipping a small piece of bread, a wafer, and wine because we believe that when consecrated by an ordained Priest, that this really becomes the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is the Summit and Soul of our FAITH...
If that is false, then we are most definitely Idol worshippers.
If it is true then it is the most significant and most wonderful thing that Jesus left us after His Resurrection and Ascension.
For the Prots, if this is false then they can quite rightly look upon Catholics as a false and mislead sect, but if this is true then they are missing out on the most profound and wonderful and beautiful mystery left us by Jesus.
One way to find out is actually very simple...
Just Google and read all the many thousands of pages of information written by the Early Church Fathers... Those that lived only a short period of time after the time of Christ.
Were they Protestants or were they Catholics?
Were they Eucharist Crazy or were they Preacher Crazy?????
Find out for yourself....
God Bless you and Peace!